

Company / Certifications

Aromi e Sapori Di Martino follows, scrupulously and in all business processes, the directives laid down by the certifying body, which periodically verifies compliance with established protocols.

The constant search for quality, passes through the continuous application of all the directives that lead to certified and traceable products and that are exposed to numerous inspection activities to always improve the company standard.

Azienda Aromi e Sapori Di Martino Di Martino

Quality and food safety ... the main objectives of Aromi e Sapori Di Martino. From raw materials selection to packaging, the aim is to ensure the highest quality standards to all products.

In order to ensure the quality standards that have always characterized its work, and therefore the satisfaction of its customers, the company has chosen to implement an organizational and management tool in accordance with UNI EN ISO 9001:2015.

The commitment is targeted to:
- Promote the involvement and participation of all staff;
- encourage continuous quality improvement by promoting communication, monitoring activities that affect quality (product, process and service non-compliance, customer claims, etc.) and taking proper corrective and preventive actions;
- ensure compliance with mandatory regulations;
- adopt a management oriented to the development of human resources, based on the provision of training, continuous professional updating, correct allocation, development of skills and the use of information technologies;
- to empower, involve and motivate all staff by promoting comparisons and proactive relationships with regular meetings, teamwork and other activities;
- optimize business processes in order to achieve the highest level of efficiency and efficacy;
- use qualified suppliers, contractors and associates who follow and embrace the principles of the company's QMS.

Certificazione Aromi e Sapori Di Martino Di Martino
Azienda Aromi e Sapori Di Martino Di Martino


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